For Breonna Taylor

You deserved to walk into a clean home filled with the aroma of a hot, fresh prepared meal and the laughter of well-loved children, and the pleasure of being seen. Of being known. 

You deserved to be off your feet and relax your hands. The hands, thee hands that been holdin others as they seek medical attention, fought for their lives or just in dire need of a hand to hold. 

 You deserved that twenty-minute, side clutchin’, hootin’ hollerin’, Girl I can’t stand yo ass! laugh you had with your girlfriends at the end of your lunch break.

 You deserved that I love you and I aint want nothin’ I just called to say hey and see what you were doin from ya mama on your drive home from work.

 You deserved that feeling of balance, light, love, and joy that volleyed back and forth between you and your children while you tucked them in their beds and lulled to a peaceful slumber with a kiss on each of their cheeks. 

 You deserved that tingle down your spine, your partner’s warm mouth on your wet skin while you soaked in a hot bubble bath prepared by him. I hope he took his time when he washed you up. You deserve that take your time and kiss every inch of you affection. 

Breonna, Can I call you Bre?


You deserved the joy, the pleasure and peace you felt. Your living and breathing are payment in full for the joy and more you experienced and owed. 

We remember you, we lift you up with pleasure and harmonious songs. 

For Breonna Taylor, 


A Black woman just living. Living simply because.

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