Octobers Affirmation

Ya'll....I disappeared again! I'm sorry! I've been *Whispers* working and playing! Okay, no excuses. To be honest, I haven't been sure about what content to provide that would be super helpful for Millennial mommies. However, I woke up this morning and realized it is October 1st and its a new month which means it is time for new affirmations and a new opportunity to speak things into your life!

What are affirmations Barb?
Affirmations are positive assertions. Affirmations have been around for like ever and go hand in hand with meditation, deep breathing and other spiritual/self-care actions. Author Alexandra Elle (who has a bomb podcast: theyheygirlpodcast) posts daily affirmations everyday. Her IG can be found here (Alex_elle).


How long do affirmations have to be?

Affirmations can be a list or or just one sentence. The goal is to say/think them everyday and speak them into your life. To be clear: your actions have to match your words. If your affirmation is: I honor my body internally and externally, ask yourself what does that look like? Are you eating right, wearing clothes that make you happy, taking time for your mental health? Do just talk the talk, walk the walk!

Pray, affirm, do the work and manifest!

God cannot be the only person in your life that brings change! There is power in your words, thoughts and actions!

Here are my Five Affirmations for October:

I am honoring my body internally and externally.

I am slow to speak, faster to listen.

I am healing.

My actions are intentional and they bring me closer to my goals.

My presence brings love, light and joy.

I will write them in my affirmations book and with every journal entry I post! Still need more inspiration? You can look here:
Affirmations on Pintrest

Happy October!

What are your affirmations? Post them below!